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                   was conceived after a careful analysis of the experiences in commercial negotiations in the last 20 years, as well as observing the need companies have for organization and optimizing purchasing expenses in the short, medium and long term.

It is known that large integrated actions and multifunctional projects that, for various reasons, end up being overlooked by priority issues and immediate impact movements in the business. After all, not all companies have qualified professionals to dedicate themselves exclusively to strategic procurement negotiations.

              is certain that the intelligent purchase of inputs and services is the starting point for understanding and adjusting production costs and the determining factor of a company's competitiveness, based on the idea of establishing a level of relationship, commitment and engagement.


  • ABC curve analysis of purchases

  • Renegotiation of current contracts

  • Management of specific projects

  • Mapping of the main suppliers in the market

  • Analysis of the degree of dependency of the supply chain

  • Definition of short-term priorities

  • Advice and training of spot buying team

  • Identification of medium and long term opportunities

  • Focus on customer satisfaction

  • Management of electronic auction (e-Auction) and bidding (Bid)


Daniel Haroldo Medeiros Fernandes, 


Economist and postgraduate in Business Economics at UFRGS. Expertise in Purchasing/Procurement of direct and indirect materials and services, with international experience in commodities management in 17 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Multi-departmental team leader in the elaboration and control of the annual budget for global cost reduction projects. Experience in negotiation focused on short-term results and development of strategic suppliers and international negotiations with large companies. Mentoring of operational team for procurement of indirect materials and services with extensive knowledge in the supply of the metalworking industry. Management of continuous improvement projects with direct customer support. Over 25 years of experience in the supply area of leading companies in the automotive industry and energy services.

GKN Automotive, RGE - Rio Grande Energia, White Martins and BRDE - Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul are some of the companies where he worked and developed professionally. 

DFOCUS aims at advising companies to seek immediate solutions in terms of competitiveness from the tactical and strategic point of view with a focus on customer satisfaction and business growth.

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